Friday, October 12, 2012

If Barack Obama is the answer, then it was a stupid question...

Hilarious I know.  Now on to the debate.  I thought it was pretty unremarkable.  Biden did better than expected, but the reason being no one expected much from him because he usually says the most ridiculous things.  He definitely was more vocal and fluent than Ryan.  I think I was a little disappointed in Ryan because he usually "brings it" in interviews.  Ryan definitely held his own, but I wish he would have defended himself more.  For example, when Joe lied about voting "no" for the war and attacked about how it was put on credit.  I wish Ryan would have said something like "Of course I voted to go to war, bin Laden was out there still planning attacks, America was attacked, and we needed to show the terrorist that attacking America (and everyone for that matter, young women that want to get an education, etc) is not okay!"  You notice that lied is italicized and that is because directly after the debate msnbc fact checked Biden's statement and said he voted "yes" for the war in Iraq.  A lot of other things he said weren't true like denying that the embassy asked for extra security.  Not only did the administration know they asked for more security, they denied their request.  Also, I don't think Barack and Joe understand economics or math (well this goes without saying when looking at the last four years).

When Biden kept saying it is their own responsibility to take care of themselves, I'm bothered that I partly agree with him.  But then I remember the attacks on normal citizens that are happening daily/weekly - the cnn article about the young woman that was shot in the head - and realized that helping everyone around the world is our duty.  To whom much is given, much is required.

I will totally buy my daughter this shirt:

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