Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Misfortune Makes A Good Read

As I'm sure you've heard about if you watch the news, this happened last night: 

After taking Colby to the airport, Hillary wanted to go to Hobby Lobby.  As we're driving, the roads are getting pretty bad.  If we still had the Audi, it would have been no big deal, but the Passat is horrible in the snow.  The tires aren't the best, 2 wheel drive, etc.  On the way back home, we were driving down a street with not many cars - luckily.  Driving about 15 or 20 mph down a hill the car started to drift to the left, I let out an expletive as we hopped over the curb in the grass sliding for the light pole.  However, being such an amazing driver, with some interesting e-brake/down-shifting/wheel turning maneuvers I dodged the pole and got us back on the street and stopped the car in time for the 4 way stop a about 30 yards ahead. 

 Henry's first steps in the snow.  He did not like it and sprinted back inside. 

Antagonizes Henry is fun.

We made it home and started watching Scrubs when the power went out at 10:30.  We figured that it would be out all night since it was suppose to snow all night and decided to move all the fridge food to the freezer and the freezer food outside and went to bed forgetting that the light switches were in the 'on' position. At 2 AM all the lights in the apartment turned on and woke us up.  It was kind of funny, but it's a good thing because we had some things in the freezer that couldn't freeze.  So I got up and moved everything back.  The End.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Black Friday

Hillary and I had a best buy gift card that we had to use by December, so we figured the best time to use it would be on Black Friday.  After looking around for things, there was nothing that we needed so we got a Blu Ray player and the Hunger Games blu ray.  

We then went to check out some baby clothes at Old Navy.   I was being a guy and just standing around with the cart reading the Hungry Games blu ray and it said "also includes free digital copy for phone or computer."  This was cool so I said it out loud to my mom and Hillary, "hey, this includes a digital copy so I'm going to put it on my phone."  I looked up and they were no where around, but there was this other lady that was standing there.  

She replied, "Oh, did you just get that?"
"Here or at Best Buy?"
"Best Buy."
"I would have thought they would have been sold out of those." And then she walked away awkwardly.

Half way through the conversation I was like, "why was this lady talking to me?" Then I realized I was the one who initiated this conversation.  A while later we decided to eat at Panera for lunch.  There were no parking spots so I had to park on the side of the lot.  I was standing by the door watching my car and making sure it wasn't in the way when a lady walked up so I opened the door.  The lady said, "Oh look at you, such a good door holder!"  It was the same lady.  A little while later I realized and I'm pretty sure she thought I was mentally handicap. On the way to Madison, there was this:

I guess you don't need a truck to go hunting...